Biological Fact – lower lungs – 7x more oxygen

Biological fact: Your unused lower lungs provide 7 times more oxygen, and remove 15 times more toxins and IT’S FREE.  Here’s why high oxygen breathing works:  the heart pumps blood down many times easier than it pumps up.  We are all “shallow breathers” – breathing to the upper lungs.  The unused lower lungs are much richer in blood, ready to transport 7 times more oxygen directly into the blood and the result is much improved blood circulation and health instantly.

With improved blood oxygen you can:   lose weight;  stop Afib;  stop Arrhythmia;  stop neuromuscular tremors;  lower cholesterol;  lower diabetes A1C level;  build strength;  measure your increased blood oxygen on an oximeter in minutes;  have a pinker healthier face in minutes;  feel the improved circulation in seconds;  feel the flush of heat to the extremities;  get more energy instantly;  sleep better;  relieve chronic pain;  prevent stroke and heart attack;  lower blood pressure;  decrease a high heart rate;  breathe easier;  relieve constipation;  improve digestive system;  get off meds;  relieve headaches;  thin your blood and turn it brighter red in days by removing bacteria, virus and impurities.   Am I missing anything – if so, oxygen probably does that too.

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